Sunday, February 25, 2007

4 pinks and a blue

Have you ever heard someone say that they like their coffee with a 'pink and a blue'? For those that are not up on coffee lingo, pink refers to Sweet' n Low, blue refers to Equal. It dawned on me for some reason that our family is a mix of four pinks and a blue. It sounded like a good blog label for a series of posts.

I can honestly say that I never thought that I would be the dad to three children, mush less three girls (pinks). Don't get me wrong, they are a blessing unlike any other and each of those 'blessings' is very individual and unique. I have learned (am learning) to appreciate each of them for their own personalities and approaches to life. While each of my girls (Laura included) affect me in different ways, I have begun to see how my life is going to be different as the result of being the one lone blue in the middle of four pinks. Example: this evening after small group some of the men went upstairs to check out the bowling game on the Nintendo Wii. Never mind how cool the the game was and that the inertial controller could actually put spin on the ball - you just hold the control and treat it like a bowling ball. How cool is that! (If we were honest, we could have stayed for a couple of hours playing.) But the world of Nintendo or Xbox is something that I really doubt I'll ever get into - I mean, they don't have Dancing Princess or High School Musical games do they? But sometimes there is that part of me that watches other dads and sons playing their Wii or Xbox and kind of misses that father/son stuff - but I have been given pinks. I know that there is a whole world of daddy/daughter stuff out there and it is all good, just different from what dads grew up doing. So, I'll continue to let my first two pinks give me 'foot massages', continue to braid their hair on request, and continue to live inside a musical - it is sweet.


Alison B. said...

you can come over and play with our Wii anytime you need a dose of testosterone. and i will come and play princesses.

Diana said...

You don't know me personally. I loved your blog today. I grew up in a house that was 4 pinks and one blue, even the animals were pinks :)
Enjoy your precious girls. When My husband and I were expecting our first child my dad told George to relish everyday because one day he left for work and said goodbye to 3 little girls an the next day in a flash it seemed they grew up and were getting married.Don't feel like you miss anything from a father/son bond,because it's Daddy's little girls that cherish their dads and who all other boys and men get compared to in their lives. God Bless you for being the only blue!

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful that you are the blue among all the pinks in our house. Our girls are blessed to have you as their daddy.

Laura said...

Robert's outnumbered here 3 pinks to 1 blue, but I don't think he'd have it any other way! Little girls love their daddy!!