Thursday, February 1, 2007

Sharpening the Saw

Laura went out to eat with some girlfriends tonight (Omni Hut) - something that was well deserved and probably long overdue. I am glad that she went, but I cannot say that I always feel that way; it is hard to come home tired, ready to chill-out and then minutes later see her walk out the door. She needs it - I understand, but it is still hard. I cannot imagine living in the world of endless videos, reading books, always something to clean, always someone that needs you for something, always. I can barely make it through Swan Lake & the Twelve Dancing Princesses once, much less twenty times. Being a mom is all Laura has ever wanted to be and I believe that she is loving each minute, give or take some here and there. Though I imagine being 'needed' can get tiresome, I also believe that it is the most rewarding feeling.

Laura always encourages me to 'get together with the guys', though I believe that we are more properly called men or dudes (those that remember Carl P. will appreciate that comment). I kick around ideas about going to see a movie, going out to eat, camping... with some other men. For some reason it is always hard to get men together just to hang out. Maybe it is that most of us have been gone all day and just want to be home with the family? Maybe we aren't as social as we would like to think? Maybe they feel guilt about being gone for work and missing so much of family life? There is probably some element of truth in all this, but it seems that we men need to share the company of other men - to sharpen the saw and so on.


Alison B. said...

here here. i didn't get to go to the girls dinner last night, but i agree that sometimes girls need the company of their girlfriends and guys need the company of their guyfriends (boyfriends just didn't sound right here).

Becca said...

Your wife is so good--at being a wife and a mother!! I should WANT Scotty to get together with his friends more often, but I am like you said early in your post--tired and ready to chill--not be needed! BUT, since you mentioned it, and since the girls did just go out, you guys should do something--seriously!

Anonymous said...

Right on rodney...lets all get together and shoot those skeets you have been talking about! chad