Friday, March 23, 2007


I have an iPod, have had one for a couple years.  I started out just listening to music, but then got hooked on Podcasts.  I guess it is fair to say that I am addicted to them.  Most of the ones I subscribe to are pastors from around the country whose books I have read.  Listening to Podcasts from around the country gives you this perspective that you are a member of that body – I mean you could walk into their church and carry on a conversation about the current sermon series with a regular church member as if you sat on the front row each Sunday.  It is kind of like that episode from Andy Griffith where the outsider comes to Mayberry and seems to know a lot about the town, though the town doesn’t know him – he had been receiving the Mayberry newspaper through the mail for years.  I have been thinking about blogging about some of these Podcasts and the general thoughts they cause me to think, start a conversation.  It might be boring in concept, but these guys wade through stuff that is  provocative and thought provoking – not that my friends-of-the-cloth are not.

Are you interested?  Hope so.

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